Dear All, It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death of IBMA former Board member, Michel Guillon. IBMA Board, IBMA Secretariat and former IBMA Secretariat members’ thoughts are with his family and friends. Below is a note from Sara Chatham, Former IBMA secretary, Michel Guillon, co-founder with Bernard Blum of […]
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Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Pesticide Action Network Europe, together with MEP Biljana Borzan, IBMA, and IOBC-WPRS, invites you to the online Symposium “Solutions for the transition to agroecology in Croatia – decreasing the use of pesticides by increasing the application of Integrated Pest Control with Biocontrol, on October 28, from 09:00 to 12:00 CET. The […]
At the 17th edition of ABIM, co-organized by FiBL and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA), representatives of the biocontrol industry met from 24-26 October 2022. This worldwide event for the biocontrol industry took place live in Basel again. More than 1550 participants from 53 nations were able to network together, face to face, as […]
We have Bernard Blum Award 2022 Winners! The best biocontrol product of the year is Pronemite by Biobest. The awardees have been announced at ABIM 2022 where David Cary, Member of the ABIM Executive Board and Owen Jones (Chair of the Bernard Blum Award judging panel) have presented the 2022 Bernard Blum Award short list success stories and the winning entry […]
Invitation for 20th October 2022, from 9.00 to 12.00: Dear Madam, Dear Sir, PAN Europe, National Council of Republic Slovenia, IBMA and IOBC-WPRS are glad to invite you to the symposium Ecological transition starts with agronomy, increasing IPM uptake with biocontrol and significant pesticide dependency reductions on Thursday, the 20th of October 2022, from 09:00 to 12:00 […]
Urgent call for more alternatives: we all need fast-track biocontrol authorisation to achieve 2030 pesticide goals For immediate release Brussels, 13th October 2022: A European Parliament seminar hosted by MEP Martin Hlaváček and co-organised by the International Biocontrol Manufacturers association (IBMA) and the Microbial Task Force, is addressing today the question : how policy makers […]
The welcome by the ABIM Executive Board and the Canton Basel-Stadt will be followed by the Bernard Blum Award, which is presented annually since 2015 by IBMA to the most innovative biocontrol product of the year. This year there will be four entries that are rewarded at ABIM and all four are given the chance […]
The EU Farm to Fork Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products Regulation Proposal (SUR) finally focuses on biological control. But how to achieve fast-track biocontrol authorisation including microbials? Invitation for 13th October 2022:Seminar on fast-track Biocontrol authorisation – in the European Parliament and online Dear Madam, dear Sir, We have the pleasure to invite you to the […]
Discover here IBMA Position on the Sustainable use of PPPs Regulation proposal. IBMA welcomes that the Directive is being upgraded to a Regulation, which will certainly give it an implementation force that is quite different to its previous position as a Directive. IBMA also welcomes the coherence with the CAP Strategic Plans as MSs may […]