Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, the Biofili association and IBMA, the Biocontrol Manufacturers with the support of the member of the European Parliament, Ivan Vilibor Sinčić, are organizing an online symposium Safe and sustainable food production in Croatia – reducing pesticide use by IPM uptake with biocontrol.
The draft Regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products, published by the European Commission on June 22, 2022, is under constant attack from agro-industry supporters who spread unsubstantiated narratives about food shortages if this regulation is adopted. With this event, we want to support more than 700 scientists who supported the provisions of this draft with their signatures, arguing that the regulation does not pose a threat to food security, but on the contrary, establishes the minimum necessary to preserve natural resources that ensure long-term food security.
Without the acceptance of this regulation, the goals of the European Green Deal and its strategies, the Farm to Fork and the Biodiversity one, to be reached by 2030 to reduce chemical pesticides will not be achieved.
Changes in natural systems, as well as the growing incidence of serious problems associated with the use of chemical pesticides, need significant changes in the food production system.
With this symposium, we want to propose solutions to farmers that have been successfully applied for many years, without loss of yield and without loss of income. Solutions based on Integrated Plant Protection include prevention – crop rotation, intercropping, resistant varieties -, monitoring, mechanical and physical control, and biocontrol.
To ensure food safety, the necessity of establishing a sustainable food production system is of utmost importance. Conservation of natural resources – fertile soil and biodiversity – is the only way to ensure food production for future generations.
It is time for a strong and rapid transition towards sustainable and resilient agriculture based on agroecological practices taking serious steps to conserve natural resources.
Let’s think long-term, let’s think about future generations!
Join us on the 28th April, register now for this event.
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to your registration.
IBMA Senior Advocacy and Outreach Manager Isabelle Pinzauti Babrzynski, isabelle.pinzauti@ibma-global.org, +32 497695842
PAN Europe Campaigner – Pesticide-free agriculture Natalija Svrtan
natalija@pan-europe.info; +385 91 519 2593