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Focused on the project “Development of innovative strategies for the control of endemic and emerging diseases in olive trees in Spain”
On July 12, 2021, it was held at the headquarters of Dcoop S.C.A. of Antequera and in blended format (virtual and present) the Final Conference of the Supra-autonomic Operational Group Olivar Health “Development of innovative strategies for the control of endemic and emerging diseases in olive trees in Spain”, in which the progress and results achieved during the course of this innovation project, were presented.
The conference was opened by the Director General of Dcoop, Mr. Rafael Francisco Sánchez de Puerta Díaz, who explained the importance of this type of projects in cooperation between companies and public entities to favor the transfer of knowledge for the development of innovative solutions for the olive grove sector. Also participating in the inauguration were Ms. Cristina Simón Palacios, from the General Sub-Directorate for Innovation and Digitization of the General Directorate for Rural Development, Innovation and Agrifood Training of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; and Ms. Carmen Cristina de Toro Navero, General Director of Industries, Innovation and Agrifood Chain of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Junta de Andalucía. Both presented the financing lines of supra-autonomous and regional operating groups, respectively, and the importance of the olive sector and innovation for the economy of Spain.
After the inauguration, the companies part of this consortium, presented the results obtained in an orderly manner. All the partners have worked together in the development of an integrated strategy for the control of endemic diseases of the olive grove, such as Verticillosis, or other emerging diseases such as that caused by Xylella fastidiosa, using compatible biological solutions (microorganisms and / or plant extracts) with organic production and that also reduce the use of traditional chemical plant protection products, which entails producing higher quality olives and oils with higher value.
The consortium of this “operative group” is conformed by the manufacturer of products for the agri-food industry DOMCA (Granada), as representative of the consortium, by the world’s largest olive oil producer Dcoop (Málaga), the agricultural R&D company NEVAL (Valencia), the technology-based company Visiona IP (Madrid), the AINIA Technology Center (Valencia) and the association of manufacturers of biocontrol solutions, IBMA Spain.
After the presentation of the results and conclusions, the dissemination video made by the operating group was viewed, dissemination material was distributed to the attendees who attended in person and a debate was opened in which the participants, both in person as telematics, asked the speakers questions. Finally, an Andalusian breakfast was offered to those present.
The creation and operation of the Olivar Health Operational Group is 80% co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union and 20% by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, within the framework of the Program National Rural Development 2014-2020, assuming a total investment of € 384,830.06.