On World Food Day, a call to support farmers and biocontrol innovators for a better future 

A food secure world requires investing in farmers and supporting innovators to ensure “the right to foods for a better life and a better future.” We can start by rewarding farmers for working with nature-friendly solutions, such as biocontrol, and alleviating bureaucratic burdens on biocontrol innovators.   Pests and diseases pose a major threat to food […]

Von Der Leyen heard us: Biocontrol included as a priority for the Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare 

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen has issued a Mission Letter to the Commissioner-designate for Health and Animal Welfare requiring him to focus on “the accelerated use of bio-controls”. On 17 September, Ursula von der Leyen revealed the goals for each of the Commissioner-designates and their portfolios. In particular, accelerating biocontrol and delivering the […]

Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture includes Biocontrol in its Recommendations 

IBMA welcomes the inclusion of biocontrol in the recommendations for transitioning to sustainable food systems in the Strategic Dialogue report. This speaks for the crucial role biocontrol plays in the future of agriculture and reflects the input IBMA provided in the consultation process.   The Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture brought together 29 […]

How we can leverage European Commission priorities to accelerate the uptake of biocontrol  

In June 2024, the European Council,  the institution that defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union, published its broad strategic priorities for 2024-2029. Subsequently, Ursula von der Leyen outlined political guidelines on which she secured her re-election for a second term as president of the European Commission.    Overall, the political […]

Nominees 2024

This year, we received 30 applications across all the different categories. The extent and scope of the applications was impressive and reflects the growth and development of the biocontrol industry. We thank all participants for their valuable submissions. The winners will be announced at ABIM on October 21st, 2024. Nominees are displayed in alphabetical order. […]