Lea BAUER – IFOAM Organics Europe
IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. For 20 years, we have been and continue representing organic in European policymaking and advocating for a transformation of food and farming. Our work is based on the principles of organic agriculture – health, ecology, fairness and care. With almost 200 members in 34 European countries, our work spans the entire organic food chain.
Currently working as Regulation Advisor at IFOAM Organics Europe.
Lea Bauer graduated as Agricultural Environmental Management Engineer, English-Hungarian specialized translator at Szent István University and Engineer of Viticulture and Oenology at Corvinus University in Hungary.
She worked for Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft., Hungarian organic control body between 2002 and 2022 where her last position was Head of International Department, and gained experience in the field of organic certification, national and international accreditations, quality management, international certification programmes, standard setting and organic legislation.

COLEAD is a network of companies, professional organisations and experts committed to inclusive and sustainable agriculture. As a private sector (not-for-profit) organisation, its purpose is to support activities that aim to increase the agricultural sector’s contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. COLEAD designs, manages and implements development programmes. Online and in the field, the organisation supplies technical assistance; vocational training; and support services that offer research and innovation brokerage, monitoring of regulations and standards, market insights, networks and alliances, and access to finance.
Edouard Lehmann is currently working as Research and Innovation Manager at COLEAD; leading a large portfolio of projects in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean within the framework of EU-funded programmes. His research focuses on the adaption and dissemination of technologies and solutions that contribute to safe and sustainable food. Activities range from providing technical assistance to the horticultural sector to the mainstreaming of disruptive ICT technologies. One of his core activities addresses the need for effective and affordable crop protection in African, Caribbean and Pacific horticulture. Before occupying this post, Edouard Lehmann worked as a researcher for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), collaborated with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and worked as a consultant in environmental engineering. Edouard Lehmann holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Analytical Chemistry and a Master of Sciences in Environmental Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

Aurora ABAD – OPTA Europe
As the voice of the EU organic processing and trade companies, OPTA’s key mission is to lead and coordinate the dialogue among the combined European and international organic processors and traders and to defend the common interests of members towards the relevant national, European, international authorities and stakeholders in all policy areas affecting them. OPTA also works as a networking platform for its members to exchange information, expertise and best practice. Its vision is to contribute to a food and farming system where organic is the norm, in the EU and beyond.
Aurora Abad joined OPTA Europe as Secretary General in 2022. She has 25 years’ professional experience in EU Affairs and has spent the greater part of her career working for wine companies, as Trade Director. Previously she covered food safety, consumer issues and environmental sustainability. She is from Sevilla (Spain).

Antoine FAURE – EOCC
The European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC) is an association of control bodies and authorities. EOCC is an international non-profit organisation which now comprises 63 members active all over the world. According to its statutes, EOCC aims “to increase the reliability of control and certification activities and decisions in relation to European organic agriculture”. EOCC acts towards an improvement of the European organic legislation. With its sectoral expertise, EOCC is recognised as a valuable partner at EU-level. EOCC is amongst others member of two Civil dialogue groups of DG Agriculture and rural development and taking part in working parties of DG Health and Food safety.
With a Master degree in Agriculture (Engineer) Antoine Faure joined the Ecocert Group in 2001, and has over 20 years of experience in conformity assessment in the organic agriculture sector. After more than 12 years of operational activities in certification process (first for France and then internationally), he currently works as Ecocert Expert Representative (Senior Adviser) in the area of certification schemes (mainly organic schemes), including governance of such schemes at States level worldwide (national systems for approving control bodies). Antoine has also developed a specific expertise in the interpretation of regulations and norms. As Ecocert Group representative, he works internationally in relation with several institutions or competent authorities including the European Commission. At last, vice-President of EOCC (European Organic Certifiers Council) gathering almost 70 control bodies, control authorities and control bodies national association, he has in charge also the coordination of the Working Group Import within EOCC and in consequence has to manage daily import issues.

Aurélie took over the position of EOCC Representative in December 2016. She has more than 15 years professional experience, both in public and the private sector. Prior to joining EOCC, Aurélie was working more than 8 years in a European federation both as project manager as well as policy advisor. Before that, she had also worked as a Commercial attaché for the French Trade and Economic Mission in Düsseldorf. She holds a master’s in European law. Aurélie is a French national. Next to her mother tongue, she speaks fluently English and German.