IBMA – PAN Europe – IOBC-WPRS Symposium Solutions for the transition to agroecology in Croatia 28 Oct 2022, 09:00 – 12:00

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

Pesticide Action Network Europe, together with MEP Biljana Borzan, IBMA, and IOBC-WPRS, invites you to the online Symposium “Solutions for the transition to agroecology in Croatia – decreasing the use of pesticides by increasing the application of Integrated Pest Control with Biocontrol, on October 28, from 09:00 to 12:00 CET.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Researching the possibility of cooperation between European and Croatian institutions, scientists, farmers and consumers in establishing a sustainable agroecological model.
  • The importance of increasing the application of Integrated Pest Management together with biocontrol to significantly reduce the need for pesticide application.
  • The current cost of pesticide use.
  • Experiences in ecological agriculture.

Through this symposium, we want to propose solutions based on the experience of farmers that have successfully applied Integrated Pest Management for many years, without yield losses and certainly without income losses. Solutions that are based on Integrated Pest Management, such as prevention (crop rotation, intercropping, resistant varieties), monitoring, mechanical and physical control and biocontrol.
Scientists and politicians will share their perspectives and provide information on tools available to support the transition.

During the debate, Croatian and European scientists, politicians and farmers will exchange their experiences with the aim to find solutions for preserving Croatia’s natural resources while establishing a safe, healthy, economically viable agroecological system.

Please register here, once registered you will receive an email with a link to join the symposium.

Please find the full program online.

Feel free to share this invitation with your network

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you online on Friday morning.

Best regards,

IBMA Advocacy and Communication Manager Isabelle Pinzauti Babrzynski,, +32 497695842

PAN Europe Campaigner – Pesticide-free agriculture Natalija Svrtan 91 519 2593