BMA would like to invite nominations for the following vacancy on our Council:
Professional Group
Vice Chair of Semiochemicals
The Professional Group Chair represents a vibrant group of technical and regulatory specialists from member companies.
The position of Vice Chair is currently vacant and is for a 3-year tenure in accordance with the IBMA Statutes and Internal Regulations.
As the current Chair is from an Associate member organisation, the Vice Chair should be from an Active member organisation and will represent the group on the Council.
Responsibilities of the Position:
- Assist the Chair of the Semiochemicals Professional Group in technical issues related to the group.
- Through the Professional Group expertise, develop positions on key policy topics for the technology.
- Co-ordinate an effective and active Steering Committee.
- Ensure an effective communication between the Council and the Professional Group as well as within the group, with at least 2 full meetings per year and more frequent steering committee meetings (quarterly or monthly SC meetings according to the intensity of legislative or market activity).
- Generously share your expertise, networks and passion for biocontrol with a large group of professionals across the year, and particularly during the Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting ABIM.
- Organise workshops and training/webinars for the group with the assistance, if required, of the Secretariat.
- As the Active member of the PG you would hold a seat on the IBMA Council in a statutory role representing the Professional Group and advocating for their needs and interests. Engage with the IBMA Board and other Council members.
As a Council member you will decide on the Associations strategy, submit an activity report to the General Assembly, take decisions regarding new members and the suspension or exclusion of members and take decisions on the establishment and closing down of working parties and national groups.
Potential candidates should possess the following qualities:
- Experience in the biocontrol industry
- Good leadership
- Good networking skills
- Fluency in English as the working language of the association
- Be from an IBMA Active member organisation
They should desire to:
- Develop and implement strategies to promote their Professional Group interests
- Engage with other Council members in particular other Professional Group and National Group heads.
Each candidate’s dossier should contain:
- A brief motivational letter describing the contribution which they wish to offer to the Semiochemicals Professional Group.
- A short biography
- An identity photograph
Candidate dossiers should be sent to the Office Manager, Soizick Menais before 17.00 CET 18th October, 2024.
If more than one candidate application is received the candidatures dossiers and a ballot sheet will be circulated to all those eligible to vote. If only one candidate application is received the appointment of this candidate will be announced at the PG meeting at ABIM.
If you would like to discuss this role or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Secretariat or the current chair of the PG group.