EFSA is organising a workshop on the scientific theme of Exposure Science (e.g., in the area of aggregated exposure assessment, data platform needs, exposure reconstruction via dosimetry (forward and reverse)). The organisation of this workshop is part of a process that EFSA has established for identifying and prioritising scientific themes that might require further investment, and also support partnerships. This process supports EFSA’s 2021-2027 Strategy and the implementation of the Transparency Regulation, with the latter having provided EFSA with the chance to increase its investment in ensuring that regulatory science is up to date with the latest scientific developments. This process will help to improve the robustness of risk assessment and optimise the use of resources in the context of verification studies. The conclusions from this workshop, together with the work that is already being conducted through other EU programmes and at the EU Member State level, will help EFSA to finalise its theme (concept) paper in exposure science. |
Objectives of the Workshop : |
This workshop aims at fostering a dialogue between participants to address the current and future challenges in the area of Exposure Science in risk assessment and to co-shape the scope of this potential theme. At the workshop, participants will: Receive more information on the scope and objective of the theme. Discuss the proposed vision and scope for this theme as well as the main objectives. |
Structure of the Workshop: |
The interactive workshop will run online, and it will be facilitated to enable an open exchange with participants. |
Who should attend ? |
The workshop is open to EFSA’s registered stakeholders. Those that would want to attend this meeting should have a proven expertise in the area of Exposure Science and be willing to actively participate to the discussion on the above points. Participation is limited to a maximum of 45 participants. The list of invitees includes experts from MS, EC, JRC, EU Agencies, International partners and stakeholders. A further selection will ensure a sufficient representation of the various fields of expertise, as well as representation of stakeholder groups and geographical balance. |
Online registrations : |
The registration form can be found following this link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/SPIDO_exposure_science_WS Please note that registration may close once the maximum number of participants is reached or, at the latest, by 10 December 2021. After closure of registration, potential participants will be informed whether they have been selected for participation. A draft agenda will be made available in January 2022 to the participants selected to attend. Do not hesitate to contact the organising committee at spido@efsa.europa.eu for more information. Kind regards, EFSA’s Stakeholder Engagement Team |