IEEP IBMA Joint event – Report launch Exploring the benefits of biocontrol for sustainable agriculture

Read the Press release Biocontrol can offer a systemic and balanced solution for sustainable agriculture

Read the report Exploring the benefits of biocontrol for sustainable agriculture

This event, co-organised by IEEP and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA), marks the launch of an IEEP report on the benefits of biological pest control for nature, food, health and climate in Europe.

Thursday 24 June
09:00-10:30 CET
Register here

The effect of plant protection methods on biodiversity and health are now at the centre of political and technical discussions. Particularly in face of the upcoming revision of the Sustainable Use Directive, a milestone within the Green Deal objectives implementation, it is essential to explore alternatives to those scientifically recognised as environmentally harmful methods.

As a non-chemical and targeted input, biocontrol can offer a systemic and balanced solution for sustainable agriculture. Biocontrol forms an understanding of the farm ecosystem of life cycles, insects’ behaviour and the influence of agronomic practices on plant health. It can therefore be an enabler of the European Green Deal, particularly for the Farm-to-Fork objectives.

It is against this background that IBMA commissioned IEEP to explore and collect the benefits of biocontrol. The report offers evidence-based information to decision-makers on the ways in which biocontrol can enable systemic change towards sustainable agriculture.


  • 09.00 – Welcome and introduction Faustine Bas-Defossez (IEEP)
  • 09.05 – Presentation of the report ‘Exploring the benefits of biocontrol for sustainable agriculture: A literature review on biocontrol in light of the European Green Deal’ Jean-François Hulot (IEEP)
  • 09.15 – Questions and answers on the report
  • 09.20 – Panel discussion, moderator Joanna Sullivan
    • Alexandra Nikolakopoulou, DG SANTE, European Commission [TBC]
    • Julien Fosse, France Stratégie, French Government
    • Martin Hojsík, Member of the European Parliament, Renew Europe Group
    • Marta Messa, Director, Slow Food
    • Vicente Dalmau Sorli, Valencia Regional Government
    • Philippe Rothgerber, Farmer, FREDON Alsace (collaborating with CBC Biogard)
    • Jennifer Lewis, Director, IBMA
    • Faustine Bas-Defossez, External Impact Director, IEEP
  • 10:20 – Concluding remarks, Faustine Bas-Defossez (IEEP) and Jennifer Lewis (IBMA)