1. To promote the concept of biological control methods in sustainable agriculture and in the treatment of amenity and non-cultivated areas, including biocidal uses in animal and human dwellings.
2. To provide safe and effective products.
3. To produce, pack and label products and materials in a safe and effective way.
4. To use processes and materials which are cost and energy effective.
5. To operate with respect for the laws and regulations, soft laws including guidance and advisory best practices (and any modifications, amendments and updates) of each country in which they conduct their business.

6. To operate with respect for the environment.
7. To operate with respect for public health and safety.
8. To provide the best possible advice and assistance to all parties associated with IBMA member company’s products.
9. To openly communicate and encourage dialogue with general public.
10. To conduct affairs among IBMA members, competitors, customers, regulatory agencies and the general public in an ethical and respectful manner.
11. To respect the right of other IBMA members to bring their products to market and develop and promote them for use in a sustainable manner in IPM systems without hindrance.
12. To adhere to the FAO Code of Conduct ISPM3 and International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management .
13. To respect the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity.