Autumn General Assembly (GA)

We are looking forward to greeting members, on October 21, at the General Assembly (GA) both in person and online. If you are traveling to Basel, please check your email for your QR code. You will need it to enter the congress center. Not registered yet for the GA? Please register now. The General Assembly starts at 14:00  in room Montreal. We […]

On World Food Day, a call to support farmers and biocontrol innovators for a better future 

A food secure world requires investing in farmers and supporting innovators to ensure “the right to foods for a better life and a better future.” We can start by rewarding farmers for working with nature-friendly solutions, such as biocontrol, and alleviating bureaucratic burdens on biocontrol innovators.   Pests and diseases pose a major threat to food […]

Natural Substances Professional Group Survey

Dear Member, What do you think the Natural Substances Professional Group (NSPG) should focus on in 2025? Now is your opportunity to tell us! Please fill in the survey before October 11, 2024 – EOB by following this link or scan the QR Code below: We thank you for your participation! Best regards, Emmanuelle BonnerisNSPG […]